Woot, my stamps arrived!! They were sitting happily on my doorstep when I got home. I guess you are all wondering what I got...Well, here's the picture of ths stacks of stamps. The leftmost piles are all the freebies (Happy Harmony, Delight in Life, So Delightful, Big Blossom, So Very, Very Punnyx2, Bothway Blossoms, Sage Shadow, Pumpkin Pie Reinker, Finest Flourishes brass template, watercolour paper). The other piles are categorized into alphabet stamps and other stamps. I got Headline Numbers, Letterpress Numbers, Typeset Upper, Typeset Numbers, and

Short Order Numbers. Of other sets I got Brighter Tomorrow, Beautiful Beach, Balmy Breezes, Ruff Day, The Cat's Meow, And Everything Nice, Still Life Stems and Finest Flourishes, as well as Weathered and Linen. So here's the stac

k of all my "presents". In other amusements, check out my gifts from my parents. Seriously, she wrapped these before I did yesterday's Colour Challenge! Isn't that crazy?? In other hilarity, I was checking out my SCS private messages, I got a few birthday greetings, etc, and then after I finished checking them, this appeared. That's right 65535 messages. What a birthday! Apparently 50% of the SCS population felt the need to wish me so (not!). You can only have a maximum of 350 messages, however I found this absolutely hilarious, considering it's my birthday. Can you imagine, having 65,000 people pm you in one day??